Let's review the rules of what paleo nutrition includes:
UNLIMITED red meat (buffalo, beef, lamb)
- UNLIMITED poultry (chicken, turkey)
- UNLIMITED seafood (scallops, salmon, sea bass)
- UNLIMITED healthy fats (nuts, coconut oil, omega 3)
- UNLIMITED vegetables (broccoli, spinach, cabbage)
The biggest problem initially when you say that you want to restrict someones carbohydrate intake is 'Well what am I going to eat then'? It's important when you take something away to put something else back in so increasing protein portion size, vegetable intake and most importantly healthy fat content is paramount.
Here are a couple of example meals:
Buffalo burgers fried in organic butter with cashew nuts, spinach and tomatoes.
Wild Alaskan Salmon Parcels with roasted vegetables
Organic chicken fried in avocado oil, add almond nut butter to coat the chicken and serve with sliced banana and a mixed salad.
The point I'm trying to make is you should never go hungry and when people tell me that they are just having a salad for lunch it's easy to see why they find it hard to stick to.
It's true that carbohydrates give you energy but fats give you more! Carbs provide 4 calories per gram whilst fats provide 9. That is why it is important to include fats to keep your blood sugar steady and stable. From this you can see that you will have to control your fat intake to an extent but it also proves that all calories aren't equal.
Initially you may experience nausea or slight headaches, this is your body switching fuel sources from sugar to ketones. If this gets unbearable then add in some berries or thin skinned fruit and this should subside.
Research has shown that as homosapians we were lean and muscular but as of the present day, as many as 66% of our nation could be considered overweight. Let's go back to what we designed to thrive on!
There are hundreds of websites giving paleo recipes and advice so there's no excuse to get bored. Jonny Bowden's 'Living the Low Carb Life' or Rob Wolfs 'Paleo Nutrition' are both excellent reads.
Paleo nutrition provides outstanding health benefits and body composition changes and now you know that you can have far more than a garden salad to get lean.