I’d like to share some things that have been happening with me and my clients recently. Pictures tell a thousand words so hopefully these pictures will give a great indication of just how hard these 3 have worked over the past few months.
I’ve been training Adam Wilson and Rachel Cook for a little over 4 months now. I first met Adam when he booked in for a strongman session in February and towards the end of the month he approached me about training. After about a month or so his fiance also started training with me as they were both motivated by their upcoming wedding in August.
I first met Katie when she came to one of our Modified Strong girl classes on a Saturday and it was clear that she was already in very good shape. After a while it became evident that whilst her upper body was very lean, relatively her legs weren't up to scratch. Our main goal was to lower her body fat slightly and work on leaning her legs out.
I first met Katie when she came to one of our Modified Strong girl classes on a Saturday and it was clear that she was already in very good shape. After a while it became evident that whilst her upper body was very lean, relatively her legs weren't up to scratch. Our main goal was to lower her body fat slightly and work on leaning her legs out.
Adam Wilson
Adam has gone from over 18% body fat at 70.6kg to just under 10% at 72kg in 16 weeks but more noticeably went from 12.3% to 9.9% in the last 2 weeks after committing to his training and nutritional guidelines 100%.
We started off with a biosignature assessment and for sure one of Adams priority's was his carbohydrate sites. Gradually reducing these, increasing his protein and healthy fat intake along with some lactate body composition programmes resulted in Adams dramatic transformation. He has also increased his arm size by over an inch in this time, no doubt helped by the one day arm cure that he completed in April.
His next goal is 8% at 75kg, certainly achievable given the level of commitment he has already shown.
Rachel Cook
Rachel was a touch below 27% when she first started training with me. She had just had her first child by c-section 9 months previously and with her wedding looming in August was desperate to feel in better shape.
Rachel has just measured in at 19.8% so too has made considerable progress, especially with having to deal with the added stress of getting up to soothe a screaming infant nightly (I’m sure Adam helped).
Rachel, like most women, was a carb fiend, with a high sugar breakfast, followed by a sandwich at lunch and potatoes with dinner. Introducing her to a paleo nutrition has made a huge impact on her body composition. Most noticeably she has reduced her ‘love-handle’ site by over 10mm! This is the site that refers directly to how many carbohydrates your currently consuming so you can see how effective reducing carbohydrates can be.
She too has been doing at least 1 session a week of a lactate style fat loss workout as well as a modified strong girl class on a Saturday. Having been a novice to weights before she could now be considered more than capable after being exposed to deadlifts, all types of squats, tyre flips, farmers walks to name a few.
I think you can agree that with her wedding dress measurements fast approaching, she is going to look great on the big day!
Katie Dixon
Katie Dixon is quite simply the leanest female I have ever seen. At a mere 7.5% body fat and skinfolds that represent male athlete norms, through smart training and nutrition she has got herself into phenomenal shape.
She is also one of the hardest working individuals I have ever trained in the gym, regularly out training the guys not only in work capacity but sometimes in strength levels too. She can comfortably chin her body weight for reps and squat and deadlift well over her body weight.
The next goal for Katie is to compete in a figure or bikini competition and I’m sure you’ll agree when I say that she is going to destroy most, if not all the competition.
These are just a handful of clients getting results in record time, look out for more being posted regularly.
Check out our website; http://www.elite-bodyworks.com/, find us on facebook ‘Elite-bodyworks’ or email james@elite-bodyworks.com for any more information.